1. Will the venue/s be wheelchair/buggy accessible?

Wharf Chambers has a wheelchair/buggy friendly entrance at the back and an area to the side of the stage where a number of wheelchairs or buggies can go.

2. Will there be baby changing facilities?

There will be a changing table and nappy bin in one of the toilets.

3. Will there be facilities for re-heating food?

The venue does not have a microwave and for health and safety reasons we won’t be able to bring one along so if you did want to feed Children at the gig it’s best to bring some food that doesn’t require heating.

4. Is there a non gig room?

Yep! The bar room is accessible throughout the gig so if it all gets a bit noisy you can play some table football, board games or have a read whilst enjoying an alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage (including fantastic teas and coffee) whilst munching down on an incredible cake from The Old Chestnut who will have a stall.

5. Do I need earplugs?

Whilst we will be turning the music down a touch as its an afternoon gig it will still be pretty noisy! We will therefore have foam earplugs available for free but if you have younger children/infants we strongly suggest bringing along ear defenders for them.

6. Do I need to have Children to come to the gigs?

No way! All are welcome, who doesn’t love watching bands on a Sunday afternoon and being home in time for a Sunday lunch? Just bear in mind that there will be Children there so chill out on the swear bombs and the Jagar bombs

7. Would these gigs be good for me if I find evening gigs hard to access?

It’s entirely possible. There is a wheelchair entrance to the venue and wheelchair viewing space in the gig room. The gig room will also be lighter than in the evening and the music will be a tad quieter, we will also ensure that no strobe lights are used. If there are any other ways we can make the gig more accessible for you then just get in touch

8. Is this a business?
Nope! This is just me extending the little gigs I put on to people that can’t make evening gigs. I’ve been putting on gigs for about 15 years and have never made a penny (actually that’s a lie, once I made enough to get a bag of chips after the gig!). The reason being that after venue costs all money goes to the bands. If ever money gets beyond this point then it goes to charity. I have a job, this is not it.

Any other questions? Just email youthanthems@gmail.com and we’ll answer them then add the question here

2 thoughts on “FAQs

  1. Pingback: Final band is booked! | Youth Anthems

  2. Pingback: BIRTHDAY PARTY! | Youth Anthems

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