
Hi all,

Sorry it’s been a bit quiet on this site since the last gig but there’s loads going on so I wanted to update you to what was going on behind the scenes…!

(1) The next gigs is going to be a total cracker.  I really think this one might sell out in advance so I really cannot advise getting tickets in advance enough!  Head on over to the gigs page to find out more but COWTOWN ARE PLAYING AT YOUTH ANTHEMS!

(2)  We’re having a really snazzy website being built for us.  I think after three years we need something that wasn’t knocked out in 25 minutes by someone who didn’t know if this would all take off (and didn’t have a clue about webdesign) so this should all be looking pretty sweet pretty soon.

(3)  We’re opening up a Youth Anthems branch in Brighton!  A very good friend of mine asked if they could start doing gigs under the YA banner in Brighton and I thought that it seemed like a cracking idea so it’s happening!  Expect some more news about their first gig soon but if you know anyone who might like our gigs and lives down that way then point them in the direction of HERE for Facebook and HERE for Twitter

(4)  We’re on Instagram!  I literally have no idea what I’m doing with it but it seems fun so follow us @YouthAnthemsLeeds

(5)  What else…?  Oh we’ve started a mailing list.  I find that whilst Social Media is useful for keeping you all informed, with all the weird algorithms sometimes important news gets lost so if you want to make sure you get all the gossip via 4 or 5 emails a year then sign up at: http://eepurl.com/cdW22.

(6)  Nearly there!  BIG NEWS is that we’re also currently booking our first ever YOUTH ANTHEMS TOUR!  That’s right in July and August 2017 we’ll have some great friends from the U S of A coming over and playing nearly two weeks worth of family friendly gigs across the UK.  More information soon!

(7)  Last bit of news.  As you can see there is a load of stuff going on and all of this takes a lot of time on top of my full time job.  I’m also trying to sort out ways of marketing our CD more so we can make mega loads of cash for City of Sanctuary  (whilst on that subject feel free to pick up a CD here).  They’re selling well but I want to make sure we do the best job we can with it!  I’ve also not taken any time since this all started to reflect on how the gigs are run, sort out the finances of it all and generally take on board feedback from you all.  So…after the Cowtown gig in December there might be a longer break than normal before our next gig.  Don’t worry it is just a break so I can concentrate on the Youth Anthems tour and get all things YA related in order.  The very latest we’ll be back at regular gigs will be August 2017 but I’m sure there will be something before then.  So here’s another reason to make sure you grab a ticket for the December gig!

Over and out!