It’s another late Thank You!

Hi all,

Once again I’m writing this waaay after out last gig but wow, things have been busy!  The last gig blew away all expectations, I had to put up a sold up sign on the door as we very quickly hit over 100 adults and 50 people under 14 so nice one folks!  Luckily the bands made it worth it for everyone and I’m glad you made it such a great visit for our Southern guests.

I’m actually popping off to Jumbo Records now to sort out a system for some advance tickets for our next gig (check out THAT LINEUP!).  You all also brought a phenomenal amount of food and clothing for the Leeds food bank and Leeds Women’s Aid so massive pats on back for that.

We also have some amazing news coming up about our next project so keep your eyes and ears open for that one as it’ll be announced very very soon.

Right any other questions of feedback just get in touch!